One of the challenges manufacturers must address is getting finished goods to their final destination. This can be done through a variety of means, but coordinating freight movements through the supply chain, from raw materials to production to final distribution, presents risks at each transfer point. These risks, include the possibility of freight being mishandled, mislabeled, or damaged.
In many cases, a manufacturer will work with a third-party logistics provider (3PL) to oversee the logistics process and manage these risks. These third party logistics companies or 3PL’s face several significant challenges when dealing with clients. Let’s take a look at several challenges 3 PL’s face:
Damaged Inbound product
Over and Short product
Trailers/Containers with broken seals
Wrong product shipped
Poor wrapping, loading, and labeling
Load shifted by poor driving and accidents
Vendor Compliance Issues - Resulting in fines, penalties, returned product
Pallet Condition- broken and/or damaged
Pallet Requirements - CHEP, heat treated, specific sizes
Missing packing slips - claimed by customers at receipt
Pallet heights - too tall varies by vendor
Labeling requirements - special placards, specific placement, pallet labels
Product condition - not damaged
Damaged Freight Claims during shipment
Proper blocking and bracing
Trailer Inspections - Carriers with broken floors, walls, roof leaks which could damage freight
Holding the “right” entity accountable for damage
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Review and Seperate by Order, BOL, Carrier, Load, Date, Etc.
Rename Photo as Needed
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Backup Photos to Drive
At each handling point, there is an opportunity for freight to be mishandled, mispackaged or damaged. Any of these occurrences can result in chargebacks including fines, penalties, or damage claims. Frequently 3PL’s get blamed even when the actual damage or mishandling occurred outside their control. As these erroneous charges accumulate, they have a significant negative impact on a 3PL’s or warehousing providers bottom-line financial results. Without a viable “proof of condition” solution,
3PL’s have no ability to hold the “right” logistics providers accountable and end up carrying the burden of these costly chargebacks.
While it’s common to take photos of damaged or mishandled freight, it’s far less common to document the condition of freight at each transfer point before it’s been damaged or mishandled. Barriers include the lack of a common, easy-to-use solution for documenting, storing, and retrieving this information. Beyond that, it’s difficult to easily share the necessary information up and down the supply chain.
CargoShot eases the burden of documenting freight condition at each transfer point. 3PL and warehouse workers can access the CargoShot mobile application from any Internet-equipped mobile device. Workers capture order specific data along with photographs of pallets, cases, packaging, and trailer information to document visual proof of condition at shipment or receipt. The result is a documented chain of condition that can be used to easily identify where and when freight has been mishandled, and identify the responsible party.
Get Camera
Load SD Card
Walk to Photo Area
Take Photos
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Remove SD Card
Load SD Card Into Card Reader
Find File
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Review and Seperate by Order, BOL, Carrier, Load, Date, Etc.
Rename Photo as Needed
Save to File
Backup Photos to Drive
Open App on Mobile Device
Select Function Type (Inbound, Outbound)
Enter Required Fields (Trailer #, Order #, Condition, etc.)
Take Photos
Review & Upload to Cloud
Back is done automatically: information is accessible anytime, from anywhere.
manual process
automated process
CargoShot is more than just photos, it’s a controlled process. We collect other relevant data points such as time/date stamps and location, and associate them to your photo documentation. This ensures that you have a clear picture of what is happening to product condition on your docks. Managers, supervisors, customer service representatives and other authorized users can easily access the relevant data via our online dashboard. Users can quickly retrieve photos by BOL number, Order number, Carrier, date and other dimensions, then easily share these through a secure link sent by email to whomever they desire. No more large files to attach. No error messages about file size. No more long email uploads or downloads and no worries of photo manipulation.
CargoShot helps create a defensible position against fines, penalties and freight claims. Like the old saying, a picture is worth a thousand words or in this case a picture is saving you thousands of dollars!
Have multiple locations? No problem, CargoShot supports multiple locations in an easy to use format!
Let CargoShot do the work! Save time! Save money! Move forward to a simpler, less stressful work day!
CargoShot is designed from the ground up to provide an easy-to-use solution to document “proof of condition” as cargo moves through the supply chain.